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RAM bandwidth doubled, valve technical specifications adjusted -

RAM bandwidth doubled, valve technical specifications adjusted –

There is a lot of talk these days Steam Tech, Its strengths, its potential drawbacks, but above all its technical specifications. Which area of ​​the Wolverine console / PC could actually benefit more than the Nintendo Switch? For this reason, many have noticed potential obstacles in the initial technical specifications of the machine: a width Band of LPDDR5 Memories 44 GB / V அடைப்பான் Immediately run to the cover and adjust the technical specifications of the machine, doubling this value.

According to many, in fact, the Gen 2 hardware embedded within the Steam platform can handle very high data flow and the 44GB / V LPDTR5 memory bandwidth can be a real hindrance. In comparison, the switch manages 25.6GB / V, while many laptops and surfaces travel at 68GB / V, while the Raison APUs with the Vega 11 go at 48GB / V.

Since SteamTech is a gaming machine, it is essential to have high bandwidth, especially to use the full potential of the RDNA2 GPU. These observations should have reached that milestone, with Valve adjusting to the official Steam site, claiming that Memories was a quad channel and as a result the bandwidth had risen to 88 GB / s.

Speaking further about the build quality of the console, the valve ensures that the steam deck is not affected like the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con.

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