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Quantic Dream discute di porting su Nintendo Switch: non aspettatevi di vedere Detroit Become Human presto

Quantum Dream discusses boarding for Nintendo Switch: Don’t expect Detroit to become human anytime soon

Size dream It is primarily known as the PlayStation Studio (although it is not owned by SIE, ed), but in recent times the band has chosen to self-publish its titles on other platforms such as PC and to release games from other developers.

In an interview Nintendo is everything, The leaders of Quantum Dream talked about the possibilities of releasing some titles such as Detroit: Nintendo Switch to Humans and how Big Big helps my team to publish other developers’ games.

“We are very pleased to release our first title on the Nintendo operating system [riferendosi a Sea of Solitude, ndr]! As gamers, many of us have been enjoying playing on Nintendo consoles for decades, and when we finally got the chance to work on the switch, we immediately accepted it. “ Said the head of the Guillome de Fontaumeier edition. “Nintendo and Quantum Dream have already been in talks in the past. In this way, we were able to reconnect and quickly start working together. ”.

Become a Detroit Man1

Detroit: Become Humans, Beyond: With the advent of the Nintendo Switch for games like Two Souls and Heavy Rain, Quantum Dream There are no “plans”. Nintendo asked if all of these titles could be released native to the console or via the cloud, but “all three of these games are exclusively for PC and PlayStation.”

The good news is that we can expect more Nintendo Switch support from Quantum Dream in the future, noting that Fontamieri will continue to explore all the partnerships that make sense for our topics and our community in the future. “The switch has been one of the best-selling consoles in recent years, and of course we will support it, it’s Sea of ​​Solitude: Directors Cut, this switch is exclusive,” Fonda au Mier said.

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