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Postponement: Battlefield 2042 is here a month later

Postponement: Battlefield 2042 is here a month later
Image: E.A.

Battlefield 2042 will be completed one month later than planned due to the current epidemic. The developers are naming November 19th as the new release date. What the delay for the open beta is is due to be announced later this month. The trial phase should actually begin in September.

The developers cite “unexpected challenges” from the epidemic. Given the size and purpose of Battlefield 2042, it was hoped that the studio would once again function as one of the office buildings before being released. However, this is not possible. At the same time, the EA assures investors that the postponement will not have any impact on sales expected for the fiscal year ending March 2022.

The same fate had already befallen Battlefield V, which had been pushed shortly before the originally planned date. With Battlefield 2042, EA is a little more at risk. The shooter will lay the foundation for a direct service future, just as Ubisoft plans with Infinity Plan for Assassin’s Creed. Battlefield Approach revolves around the new portal mode, which is used to create your own game modes based on various battle games.