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Political scientist Mangler says Merkel is a stroke of luck: "I do not see a successor who can do anything like this" - Politics

Political scientist Mangler says Merkel is a stroke of luck: “I do not see a successor who can do anything like this” – Politics

Berlin political scientist Herbright Mongler praised the president’s leadership style in considering Angela Merkel (CDU)’s departure after the federal election. “I think Angela Merkel will be a lot. I will remember that she developed a very simple management style,” Mongler told Takespeekal.

As a rule, Merkel was eager to find a balance that would make German strength more bearable than other Europeans. “The way they appear, they have given up physical dominance and are not considered by many in Europe to assert leadership. In this case Angela Merkel was a godsend to Germany. I do not see any candidate for the presidency that can manage it similarly.”

Her winner will be “more focused on your own person”. Mongler said he expects CSU boss Marcus Soder to run for president.

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Mangler: Anyone who does not want to buy war drones can “forget the rest”

Mungler described Bundeswehr’s equipment with armored drones as essential. The war between Azerbaijan and Armenia “shows that an army without drone strikes and defense capabilities has no chance of an armed conflict,” Mongler told Tokespekel.

Herbrite Mangler, Berlin political scientist.Photo: Doris Speakerman-Glass

He added: “If you do not want to buy war drones, you can forget about the rest.” Those who reject armed drones must demand the right to strengthen Europe’s foreign and security policy and play a role in the world.

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Regardless of the drone issue, Germany will have to spend more money on security issues in the future. “It is not necessary to spend more German weapons because NATO has not only accepted this goal, it will also be in the European interest,” the scientist said.

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“Tattoo is poorly made”

Mangler sees the Greens in a foreign and security policy that has been poorly matched to the government’s contribution since the federal election. “As in the SPD, the Greens have many doubts, limitations and self-assurances, which make it difficult to meet the challenges facing Europe in foreign and security policy,” M மாngler told Takespeekal.

As Greens are dominated by climate issue, thinking in terms of geopolitics is alien to them. “Power-political conflicts dominate some areas and they are not interested in the forces trying to exploit the weaknesses of others,” the scientist added: “They are pushing this question. It will be a big problem for them.”