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Pokemon Legends: Arcius: Find Weight at New Pokemon Game Ease - Nintendo Switch

Pokemon Legends: Arcius: Find Weight at New Pokemon Game Ease – Nintendo Switch

Pokemon Legends: Arcius Is no longer an event of the coming days Nintendo Switch. Real new episode, after the release of the remakes, Pokemon shining diamond And Pokemon shining pearl, Last November, Pokemon Legends: Arcius Whether the game has already been played or not, it unleashes emotions between those who already love it and others who hate it, even before its release. The title was leaked online Allow some people to play for several days already so they can express their opinion while sharing their games. We have already advised you to be careful when going on the web, if you find the game and want to avoid excessive comments, thank you for it. 6 Go- A little weight, especially if you know it Pokemon shining diamond Weigh 6,7 Go And Wild breath Weigh 14,4 Go. However, expect nothing Link Day One As is often the case with this type of title, in this case, the total weight of the title may increase by one or more gigas. Waiting, 6GB weight Confirmed in eShop.

As a reminder, Pokemon Legends: Arcius Available from January 28, 2021 Exclusively on Nintendo Switch. More info with Our previous news.

By purchasing the game in advance at eShop

Get 30 Mass Balls for any pre-order Pokemon Legends: Arcius In the Nintendo eShop.

For first time buyers

Caninos set (Hizui form) and Moutrenard mask will be offered to buyers. Pokemon Legends: Arcius Adequate in advance.

You can select “via the Internet” from the “Mystery Gift” menu in your game and retrieve them until Monday, May 9, 2022 at 23:59 UTC.

The “Mystery Gift” feature is available after about two hours of play. Your console user profile must be linked to a Nintendo account to connect to the Internet and receive this bonus. No subscription required for paid Nintendo Switch online service.


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