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Notre Système solaire se compose de huit planètes. C’est du moins ce que l’on sait avec certitude aujourd’hui. Mais des indices pointent une neuvième planète qui pourrait toujours se cacher au-delà de l’orbite de Neptune. © dottedyeti, Adobe Stock

“Planet 9” may have been obscured by observations made 40 years ago

Have we finally found “Planet 9”? Say it too soon. However, in 1983, data from the IRS satellite showed that a candidate had been identified. Only recent observations can confirm or confirm the authenticity of this material.

On January 25, 1983, theInfrared astronomical satellite (IRS) began to conduct a thorough study of the published sourcesInfrared At 12, 25, 60 and 100 m. This Telescopic spatial Would have worked until the helium was dissolved Liquid Cooling its inventors on November 21, 1983.

In the 1980s, unexplained remnantsAround the circular path Neptune suggested an existence The tenth planet (Pluto This is still the case at that time), ” Planet x “. Although they are very small Remains from the orbit of Uranus Led to Discovery of NeptuneThey encouraged Clyde Tomb, who led the discovery of Pluto in 1930, to search for a new planet, although it soon became clear that this new body was incalculably smaller than Neptune’s remains.

The first search failed in 1983

In 1983, while working on the productionIRAS point source list, Michael Rowan-Robinson Carried out by one Proper search for Planet X In Iras data. During the organized meeting Royal Astronomical Society In 1991 ” Kinetics The Solar System And Planet X », L ‘Astronomer British, now Professor EmeritusImperial College London, Then made the report of his research that 70% of the sky he could explore was not an X planet.

Then, a new measurement Mass Removed debris from Neptune’s orbit. No deviation from the paths of the studies Pioneer And Voyager Shows that there is no unknown massive planet in the solar system In the eclipse plane, And showed that Wise’s data was not available Subject Of the mass Saturn Or from Thursday The solar system has 28,000 and 82,000 AU (0.44 and 1.30 light-years), respectively.

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A candidate must be confirmed

The invention of Dozens of dwarf planets and tiny Transneptionian bodies The last thirty years have led to the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet. Updating the hypothesis of a still unknown distant planet. So Rowan-Robinson decided Re-research In Iras data. By examining the unidentified sources in the three Eras lists, he was able to identify some of them. Constellations, To galaxy sources or Cirrus (Astronomical fiber structures visible in infrared).

Only one Candidate Was able to pass various tests. This Candidate 225 ± 15 AU (approximately 7.5 times farther than Neptune) and between 3 and 5 Earth masses. This is a Latitude At very high eclipses and low galactic latitudes, this may explain why this was not found in previous research. Dynamic simulations will be needed to determine if this candidate is compatible with the current planetary ephemeris and can explain it. As a group of orbits of radical transneptunion objects. If so, look for a 1983 position centered on a ring with a radius of 2.5 to 4 degrees Wavelengths Visible and near infrared would be interesting.

Let this be the candidate Real or not, Eras would have allowed existence in all casesDistant massive objects. In fact, the telescope was capable of detecting a sphere with 10 landforms at 380–600 AU and 20 lands at 690–1000 AU. Atmosphere Planetary extension). For comparison, Uranus and Neptune It has 15 and 17 landscapes respectively.

New clues indicate the existence of a ninth planet in the solar system

Article by Natalie Meyer published on October 4, 2021

Nine planets. She is being hunted from all sides. But, it has not been complied with yet. So, does it really exist? Two teams of researchers are now taking a fresh look at it. Who can finally get it out …

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In recent years, the rumor has been growing. The ninth planet is hidden on the edge of our solar system. What put the flea in the ear Astronomers? Specific orbits of many objects Kuiper Belt . All assumptions pass there. Even those who argue that The ninth planet There will be one புறக்கோள்Captured by our solar system. Or … a small black hole!

Simulations of the evolution of our solar system, for their part, struggle to explain the structure of this tiny corner.The universe. Because they have no information Researchers University of British Columbia (Canada) and University of Arizona (USA). Thus they suggest a planet the size of ours Earth or Mars The gas may have been born among the giants before being pushed beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Because according to astronomers, there is something strange about the current structure of our solar system. They argue that the outer part of our system is unlikely to be four Giant planets Then there is nothing else Dwarf planets . Their simulations show that there must actually be planets of other sizes. And an addition Rock planet Creates the most accurate model between giants. At least about the early stages of the development of our solar system. Then, it was able to join the dwarf planets. Or even, really need to be ejected into the galaxy.

A planet betrayed by Transneptunian objects

Researchers hope to learn more from next-generation telescopes that quickly scan the sky with unprecedented sharpness. University of Oklahoma Astronomers (USA) modelEvolution of our solar system. On its four giant planets. And the millions of ice products that inhabit the Khyber belt disk. Not less than 4 billion years!

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Models covering the ninth planet show distant objects – no closer than 40 to 50 times the distance between Earth and us. சோலைல்– tend to converge in orbit with a relatively small slope relative to the plane of the solar system. An attribute that indicates the existence of the ninth planet. Because it does not appear in models with eight planets.

So, if you fail to get your hands on this ninth planet that everyone is talking about, observing this crowd of distant objects will be the new indirect evidence for its existence. Here again, we have to wait for the new tools to run. The Place and time of genetic study (LSST) For example, from Vera C. Rubin’s lab. It will begin observing the sky in 2023, and astronomers will be able to find the much-sought-after Trans-Neptune objects.

The future in the starsThis is where astronomy and space enthusiasts meet. Visit us for a complete tour of the Epimeris of the month, with advice on how to better observe what is happening in the sky, in the 1st week of each month. To learn more about a particular subject or event that represents astronomical and space news, a special chapter will be called that will be published on the 15th of each month.

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