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Pikmin Bloom launches today on iOS & Android devices • Nintendo Connect

Pikmin Bloom Problem – So contact your support • Nintendo Connect

Pigmin Bloom Niantic is the latest AR app and, for many, follows in its footsteps Pokemon GO. Like every new application on a smartphone, it can be used Pigmin Bloom Problems arise and they are best resolved with support. Nintendo Connect will be happy to answer simple questions about how the app works, but the easiest way to deal with technical errors Pigmin Bloom-Support Via the support system in use.

So you can contact support Pigmin Bloom– Contact the application:

  1. Tap “Profile”.
  2. In the upper right, tap the gear icon
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Get help

However, there may be a better way to communicate your problem or articles that help you may be in the Help Center. More information can be found in the following articles.

Help register

If you are having trouble logging in, check out these troubleshooting guides:

If following these steps does not solve your problem, you can contact Niantic This form Contact. Select “Problems signing in” from the drop-down menu.

Report the error

If you would like to report a bug that is not on the site, please contact Niantic through the app Known issues Listed.
If you report an error you will not receive a personal response. However, Niantic will use your information to recreate the error and identify recurring patterns. If you report a bug through the app, the company can capture important contextual information such as the version of the app and the device model they can use to better investigate bugs.

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Game Shopping in store

If you would like to get a refund for the coins you purchased, you should contact us Apple support (iOS users), The Galaxy Store-Support (Samsung users) or Google Play Help (Android users) Review their refund policies, request a refund or inquire about a recent transaction.
If you have any questions about the item you bought with the coins in the store, you can contact Niantic through the app.

Request to change or remove locations in the game

If you think the location of the game should be changed or removed, you can submit a request to review the game feature that represents the location in the real world. On This page You can find more information on how to send a request here.

Report inappropriate gaming behavior

If you would like to report a player or service you are using, please contact Niantic using this form Terms of use Or The Niantic player policies Hurt. However, the company cannot talk about any action they take on other players ’accounts.

Appealing against suspension

Niantic’s goal is to provide a fun, fair and realistic experience for all players. You put one on Graduated Answer Policy Against cheating players who do not respect the rules that all other players follow. If you feel that you have been unjustly punished, you can This page Appeal against the ban.

Deleting an account

If you would like to delete your account, please send us a request This form. Select “Delete my account” from the drop-down menu. Note that this action cannot be undone once fully implemented.

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Request my data

Contact Nyandik privacy@nianticlabs.comIf you want to request your data.

Follow Niantic on social networks!

“Like” the Niantic support page on Facebook, Or Follow iantNianticHelp on TwitterFor the latest information on changes and updates in their games.
You can connect with other users to share stories, ask questions, and for unexpected behavior Pigmin Bloom Support-Community Report.

Pigmin Bloom
Pigmin Bloom