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Pikachu Sweets is an EV-themed frappe coming to Pokemon Cafe

Pikachu Sweets is an EV-themed frappe coming to Pokemon Cafe

Picachu’s latest game-face counter is coming soon to touch its adorable sweet treats! To all Pokemon Coaches living in Japan enjoying Picachu Sweets, The dessert part of Pokemon Cafe, you can look forward to joining the evolving pocket monster lineup of refreshing refreshments. From October 2, EV-themed autumn flavored props All Picachu Sweets can be purchased at మరియు and select Pokemon Cafe Bases. Check out the latest desserts below!

Just like summer Pikachu hit As we previously reported in July, drinks on this apple come in two distinct styles. The standard cup price is 700 yen, while the drink with the irresistible eV-themed drink sleeve will hold you an extra 550 yen above the flop price Whichever customers choose, both drinks will have the signature eVail cookie pictured above.

Written by Mark Calliraf

Ever since he had Cobalt Blue Game Boy Advance, Nintendo has been his favorite way of gaming. Mark is a journalist, creative writer and video producer. His focus may be on providing news, he spends his days preparing reviews for current and past games.

Mark Calliraff

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