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Pigmin application: Niantic launches initial access testing phase in Singapore – ntower

It went fast: something to come though Use of Pigmin of Niantic And Nintendo Exactly only Announced a week ago, Players can already lend a hand and try out the new AR experience for smart devices. For this purpose, a Initial-Access-Testface Unlocked, however, is reserved for invited users. Sharing pictures and videos is strictly prohibited, but testers can provide us with some information about the general structure and gameplay components. Our summary is based on details shared by VGC.

A walk with Pygmy

In general, the use of Pygmy is intended to create incentives for users to go outside and walk in the area. Walking with the use of Pigmin “Step energy“It simply came to our notice then. To get started, users will get some Pygmy seedlingsThey will grow vigorously as they accumulate until they are finally ready to be picked up. Each selected pigeon can be named by the user or you can choose the name selected by the application. Dive into the current version Seven Great Pygmy Types Ann – Ergo red, yellow, blue, white, purple, rock and wing pigment.

However, your walks with Pygmy bring more than just gradual energy. Along the way you will always encounter new Pygmy seedlings or special treats Deco-PigminThey are the perfect outfit for the place where you found them. Ornamental Pygmies can be grown with large Pygmy seedlings or you can turn some of the Pygmies you have into decorative varieties when you come in contact with them. Additionally, your Pigmin team will be able to track some items along the way Fruit. These are bitterly processed and can be used to give your pigment flowers.

If you touch the flowers, you can Magazines To be collected. These come in four colors (red, yellow, blue and white) “Flowering Plants” mode Required. On your way you leave a trail of flowers, which marks the place where you took place. In addition, there are other benefits such as the large number of Pygmy seedlings you can find and the rapid growth of your previous Pygmy seedlings. VGC states that There are currently no micro transactions In use, but it can be included in the full release.

On a trip to Pygmy

In addition to exploring, Pigmin offers application Travel As another important point. You send your Pigmin for short trips to areas you have already completed once. The application interface shows which items can be found and how much time and pig manpower is required. Your little helpers may find fruit-like treasures or bring more Pygmy seedlings with them.

Sometimes you can too Postcards Pigmin will show up in his little journey in real world scenes. The photos that act as the backdrop for the postcards are from players with other Niantic AR experiences such as Pokemon GO and Ingres. No images of your own or other users of the Pigmin app used for postcards. There is currently no way to send postcards to other players.

Users of one to monitor all your activities in the Pigmin app Record book Use the steps, your flowering progress and the places visited. You can decorate your daily progress with pictures and text. At the end of the day the app is created Personalized animation review For the user to summarize the achievements. If you take an impressive amount of action in a single day, you will have a chance to win an object that you have to win in a mini-game.

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The use of Pigmin is the first AR experience to emerge as a result of the newly completed collaboration between Niantic and Nintendo. A global release is planned for this year. More information about the app will come in the coming months.

Does the described principle of use make a good impression on you? Can you imagine going for a walk with your pigmin team?