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Pietramelara - play at work, young nel operator affected by electric shock - Country News Political News Sports Caesarea and Province

Pietramelara – play at work, young nel operator affected by electric shock – Country News Political News Sports Caesarea and Province

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Pietramelara – The tragedy took place on the outskirts of Pietramelara some time ago, when an ENL technician suffered a very violent electrical discharge. There is fear for human life. According to the first evidence collected at the scene, doctors are trying to resuscitate the victims. However, according to others, the technician may have died. Several 118 ambulances, firefighters and carabiners arrived at the scene from the local station. Everyone’s hope is in the doctors ’miracle that he can snatch that young man out of his horrible fate

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Estimated reading time: <1 Minute Piedmont Matsy / Pietramelara – He is just 54 years old, leaving behind his wife and two children. …

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