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Picros S6 (Nintendo Switch) - Lay test

Picros S6 (Nintendo Switch) – Lay test

Like the wind of Teja Wu

We are not going to lie to each other, the Pygmies S6 is similar to the Pygmies S5, which was similar to the Pygmies S4, in its dynamics and especially the bonus. If you saved S1 / 2/3 on S4 you remember, you get extra grid for each storage. Well here it is… but no bonus for S4 or S5 S4, S5 and S6 are not really the same games.

There are two additions to the S5 in this new Picros, which allows you to show the time spent each time completing them in each mode, and it is interesting to know how many hours of your life you count and fill the boxes. Adding an option to make it easier to distinguish colors from Color Picros (this will help those who have trouble distinguishing colors).

But we’re not going to call them liars, I checked, at least the puzzles are new on the S6! So you will have a new round of 485 puzzles to always do with the same methods.

what is that ?

First of all let’s take it from the beginning, Picross is in its fifth simple iteration, by Jupiter Company (formerly known as The World Ends With You) which now specializes in Picros. Speaking of simple iterations, we owned two more genres in addition to the “Picross S” series in Switzerland, owned by Kemono Friends (popular owner in Japan) with “Kemono Friends Picros”, but with “Picros Lord Nasrik” manga / anime overlord . Each new game plays the role of new stages and sometimes new modes.

Now that the presentation is over, let’s talk about the game setup. What is Picross? A picross, also known as a nonogram, logograph, or logimage, is a separate puzzle game (like sudoku) based on completing a stage to create an image. Grids are increasingly complex shapes, such as 5 × 5, 10 × 10, 15 × 10. Up to 30 × 30!

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You will have numbers in each row and in each column, these numbers will indicate the number of black boxes that need to be blackened in a row, and there should always be an empty space between each series of black boxes. For example, in a row of 5 boxes, I have 3 and 1 symbols, so I have to color the first 3 boxes, leave one blank and color the last one.

Apparently this is very rare, and then it is necessary to enter into calculations and reflection, I know that if we take the example of 5 boxes, if there is only 3 as a symbol, then my third box will necessarily turn black (if I take 3 squares the one in the right or left, the one in the middle will necessarily burn) . However I can not finish the rest of this information, so I have to look at my vertical boxes. So we’re always going to deal with horizontal lines with verticals.

What’s in this S6?

This fifth game eventually brought nothing new to the Saga, with the Picros S4 releasing a new mode, color scheme. Finally there is no new mode here, but a lot of new grids! The 485 should be even more accurate, with 300 micros and mega micros puzzles, 150 clip puzzles, 30 color puzzles and 5 extra puzzles on the menu! It gives you hours to count the boxes, I tell you!

So the Picross mode is the classic mode, you have 150 puzzles to solve from easy 5 × 5 to very difficult 20 × 15. Completing the puzzles in this mode will open up parts of the puzzle clips for you and then get it.

Mega Picros mode is more difficult than Classic mode, you will have 150 new Picros to solve again, but this time the rules are more complicated, you will not have a clue to a column / array, but sometimes suddenly two d. For example, if index 7 appears in two lines, 7 boxes should be gray in succession without breaking the chain, but this time in two lines, it is often very difficult to reduce it!

Color Picros mode appeared in previous Picros and is very refreshing, here you will open gifs and no more images (well, the reward is still useless), however we no longer work on boxes only in black, but in color! There is no need to leave an empty square here (unless it is the same color in a row), the clues are provided by color, sometimes you have to handle up to 5 colors at a time, and these phases go from 5 × 5 to 20 × 15! The challenge is still difficult, but very pleasant and a little confusing in our counting habits.

The last mode is the Clip Picros mode, the latter is a giant image made of small picros at the end, which is very small to very large, it is very nice to see the picture coming out as you go, the Picros mode to open the mini-clips you have to play to reach.

Finally there is extra mode, the latter has a very large picro at 30 × 30, two are available from the base, if you have a backup of the picros S, S2 and S3 you get 40 × 30 grid opening games for each, finally a loyal application!

What if I do not know the cross?

If you do not know the game, there are some great exercises within the game that will explain every game mode, every technique, in a nutshell everything to be the best picroser!

In addition, the game allows you to play with assistants or not, you can enable a mode, which can guess which line should fill at least 1 square, which is sometimes very useful.

There is roulette at the beginning of a picros, this roulette allows you to fill approximately a few boxes, which will clearly give you a more accessible starting point than the empty stage.

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The other option is error correction, which should be corrected automatically if you inadvertently blacken a box when it is empty.

This AIDS will inevitably cause us to lose the status of “without help” equivalent to a perfect score, but it is not a bar, we can try again to improve our time or do it accurately without help.

More important point: no touch is available, but the game is very accessible with a cross or joystick, we have the potential help to count the number of boxes (most practical) (when pressed in R) but with X to make a note in a box, for example, if you doubt this You do not want to check the box.

Is everything alright?

Well I want to say ினால் if we like Picras… yes! If you are completely gender blind, it will not change your mind. It can’t be too classic, we have no space between S5 and S6 except for the new phases.

The music is great, but nothing more than that, the game is not played for hours on its TV anyway, but really everywhere on a laptop. A phase will take you between 2 and 5 minutes, sometimes more than 15 minutes, which allows you to play a small game in traffic, you do a lot of it and spend more than an hour playing the game without realizing it.

There is a prototype multiplayer mode, we can solve two lever phase, at the end of which there will be points depending on the number of boxes he manages to black, can not save points, there is no interest in the summary, especially quietly appreciated in portable mode, especially above the title.