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People who hack into your WhatsApp?  Here's how to find out

People who hack into your WhatsApp? Here’s how to find out

Mark Zuckerberg’s social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram after the last severe crash Share (A volume lasting 6 hours), there is growing concern about the safety of these applications, which are now widely used by large sections of the population.

According to the instant messaging site created by Facebook, many users fear that is possible Intrusions In its own archive, it contains not only more or less confidential conversations, but also other important data such as pictures, videos and passwords and personal contacts. It is now known that hackers can “hack” and steal systems InformationThis is why it is possible to identify any attack and build a defensive wall as far as possible.

There are actually very simple operations that need to be done from time to time to check the situation Security Realize in a timely manner that you are done with your application and some hacker shortcuts.

How to tell if someone is using your WhatsApp?

One of the first tips is to roll your own from time to time News Even those stored in less used chats last until they are identified as receiving suspicious messages. Messages to be communicated immediately to those responsible.

Another thing to do is to check your own frequently Personal profile, Someone interested in stealing a WhatsApp account can try to make changes, for example by changing their name, date of birth and status. The news site itself may already detect some suspicious access by itself and decide to report it, so it is always a good idea to check the messages sent by WhatsApp.

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Another good habit is to always check Contacts Check the address book and no unknown names. If there are unknown contacts, it is a good idea to continue deleting them. Also pay attention to WhatsApp web sessions: Make sure no one is open to us without our knowledge in any case.