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Les voyageurs internationaux en partance pour la Thaïlande doivent télécharger et s

Passengers now need to download and register for the “Thailand Plus” tracking app before departure

The QR code can be used by its users as a “health sign” to access different locations, the colors of the QR code indicating the risk of infection for each user: Green QR code Means that the area is safe; Orange QR code Indicates that you are in a slightly vulnerable area, finally, The QR code turns red If in a risk area.

If “Thailand Plus” detects that the user of the application is in a dangerous area, it will send A notification message to the phone owner, who can review it shortly.

In addition to categorizing the risk of infection, the QR code is directly useful when the user goes to the doctor because the latter met or approached a contact case that could quickly make an assessment using the operating data of the QR code and determine whether the user. On the other hand, the QR code available at locations or companies is used for entry or departure scanning Verify the user’s travel records very accurately.

Additional information on the use of “Thailand Plus” available on the site:

As a reminder, all travelers, foreign visa holders, visa waivers or Thai citizens, are currently required Follow the 14-day alternate state isolation (ASQ) period In a hotel company approved by the Thai government.

During their isolation, passengers are present Screened three times: For the first time within 24 hours of arriving at the hotel, between the second 9th and 10th day, then the last time between the 13th and 14th day.

See also  Green Pass has arrived and is free and can be downloaded from the website or with the app