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Only 30 percent of "ghetto areas" remain: Denmark wants to control the proportion of people of "non-Western" descent

Only 30 percent of “ghetto areas” remain: Denmark wants to control the proportion of people of “non-Western” descent

In Denmark, a controversial law to prevent “parallel communities” in backward urban areas is about to be tightened. According to a bill introduced by the Social Democratic government on Wednesday, the proportion of people of “non-Western” descent should reach a maximum of 30 percent in each district in the future.

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So far, the law introduced by the then conservative government three years ago has provided for 50 per cent immigration.

Interior Minister Kare Dipwat Peck justified the tightening of the fact that more and more people from Western countries are “increasing the risk of a religious and culturally parallel society.” However, the controversial term “ghetto areas” is to be removed from the law. Various criteria have been used so far to define a “ghetto area”, including a large number of immigrants, a low level of education and income, and a high crime rate. 15 districts are currently considered “ghetto areas”, while 25 districts are considered “dangerous”.

Denmark has been one of the most restricted immigration policies in Europe for many years. This did not change when Social Democrat Prime Minister Mete Frederickson took office in June 2019.

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