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Once secure delivery of passwords to Italy -

Once secure delivery of passwords to Italy – Has introduced something new in recent weeks Security measure In order to deliver orders of a certain value, i.e. one One time password Notify the courier as soon as the package is received, it looks like a password. This way, you can be sure that the recipient or trusted person will receive the order.

The information page dedicated to this security measure, believes that considering the value of certain orders, it is necessary to provide a one-time password used during delivery to ensure greater security.

Amazon Parcels
Amazon Parcels When order is shipped Sending a six-digit password To the email address associated with the buyer’s account. Alternatively, the code will be displayed in the “Track my package” section.

The password is usable and valid only until the end of the delivery day. Obviously, if necessary, you can report it to a trusted person to collect the order for you.

This is certainly a sensible extra security measure, as this epidemic has reduced human contact between courier-customers and thus increased theft cases. However, it is currently unclear what product types or sizes this method will apply to.

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