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Olaf Scholes before the Wirecard Committee: His name is Hayes, he knows nothing - politics

Olaf Scholes before the Wirecard Committee: His name is Hayes, he knows nothing – politics

Carl Victor Hayes of Gena may have been one of the most influential lawyers of the 19th century to this day. This is low due to technical release, which was low because Hayes died early. On the contrary, he appeared in court when he was a student, which has shaped many appearances of similar character to date. Someone has to say what they know, but they pretend they know nothing: “My name is Rabbit, I know nothing”.

The performance of the exemplary Hayes to date has accumulated in the punch line, he combined something as obvious as his name in one breath, with the announcement that the eagerly awaited judicial trial would be absent from the outset. Where comprehensive knowledge is not important, ignorance is important.

The situation is similar in parliamentary inquiry committees, whose rules are based on the Code of Criminal Procedure. In order to appear credible and helpful in the investigation, witnesses memorize certain things with astonishing accuracy, which brings little knowledge. Only when relevant questions are asked will they be vaguely remembered.

According to the standard report, the appearance of Finance Minister Olaf Scholes (SPD) before the Wirecard Committee is said to be frantic. This will not be a danger to him as everyone is involved in corruption around the fraudulent company, the government, consultants, supervisors and auditors. In principle, the trick of the grandchildren is to always warn the police: trust me, give me money.

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It should be noted, however, that it also plays a significant role here in how public officials interact in official matters. In Scholes’ case, emails he sent from a private account appeared. Did he want to prevent it from the group?

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Ursula van der Leyen handles cell phones

Similar questions arose in the U.S. Committee on Car Counting. Here it is alleged that Transport Minister Andreas Skier (CSU) directed the minister’s mail through a parliamentary account. The results are always the same: documents are withdrawn from the access rules from the beginning or it is difficult to access them later. The then Minister of Defense Ursula van der Leyen (CDU) was also a role model for various mobile devices that were deceived by his daily business. In the U group related to the consultant affair, the data was later deleted or disappeared.

In theory, digitalization would lead to better documentation and thus better control by the government. But the opposite seems to be true. Diversity justifies monitoring things. Everyone does what he wants; One is broadcast wherever a channel opens. There are some rules, they are old when they are. There is not much interest in changing this. The rabbit principle is very powerful.