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Of the GDP, 341 fines will be 30 301 million by 2020.  Download the report

Of the GDP, 341 fines will be 30 301 million by 2020. Download the report

Despite the epidemic, the approval process of European authorities on data security matters has not stopped.

In 2020, a total of 341 fines were imposed for violating GDP, which totaled 307,923,725 euros, with December 148,156,645 (48% of total) representing the most severe month. On average, each of the 30 countries in the European Economic Area imposed 11.3 sanctions by 2020, with each state imposing an average fine of 10,264,124 euros. It emerges from this “Statistics Report 2020, Privacy Restrictions in Europe” Drawed by Federal privacy.

CNIL calls for sanctions

Analyzing the data of the countries that carried out the approval process, the French have one of the most stringent authority of all. (CNIL)It imposed a fine of 138,316,300 million euros, which is 44.9% of the total number of countries surveyed. It must be said that the French authority imposed only eight restrictions, but the highest of these was against Google Confirmed by the State Council at 50 million. Italy ranks second in terms of overall sanctions, with 58,176,601 against 35 approved measures. The United Kingdom is at 45 million and Germany at 37.3 million.

The Spanish authority is leading the way in the number of fines

In the rankings of the most active officers, the Romanian is in third place (ANSPDCP) According to Italian law, with 26 sanctions (GPDP) With 35, first Spanish (AEPD) 133 fined.

The sector most affected by the number of sanctions is telecommunications, the Internet and e-commerce in terms of economic value.

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Of the top 10 sectors allowed, telecommunications suffered the most by the number of operations in 2020 with 69 fines, followed by services and trade with 47 and 45 fines, respectively, and 41 fines from public administration regulators.

However, looking at the overall economic value of the sanctions, the most affected sector was the Internet and e-commerce sector with 144.9 million euros in fines (equivalent to 47% of the total), followed by telecommunications with 62.4 million euros. Euro, then trade and manufacturing activities fined with 38.1 million euros.