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Nvidia releases GeForce driver 497.29 with support for GTFO and Horizon Zero Dawn

The new WHQL driver with version number 497.29 can now be downloaded from Nvidia for GeForce series graphics cards. The latest GeForce Game Ready driver guarantees the best gaming experience on GTFO and Horizon Zero Dawn. There is also support for 10 new GeForce experience optimized executable systems profiles. To download and install on Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems, launch the GeForce Experience and click the Tab. Driver. The update includes regular bug fixes and improvements and various updates. The driver supports GeForce 700, 900, 10, 16, RTX20 and RTX30 series graphics cards for desktops, and GeForce 800M, 900M, 10M, GTX16, MX100, MX2020 Series and Nautybook 2020 Series. Update with version number 497.29 requires Windows 10 or Windows 11 and can be downloaded via the GeForce Experience and the official Nvidia website. More information about this update can be found below or here Nvidia.

Nvidia GeForce

Download -> Download Nvidia GeForce Drivers for Desktop and Notebook

The new GeForce driver for Windows can now be downloaded from Nvidia:

Version 497.29 has the following new features and improvements:

  • Release Features: Game Ready Drivers offer a great gaming experience for all major new releases. Before starting a new topic, our steering committee worked to the last minute to ensure that every performance change and bug fix was included for the best gameplay on day-1. Learn more in our Game Ready Driver article Here.
  • Game Ready: This new Game Ready driver delivers the best day-1 gaming experience for the latest new topics including GTFO, as well as the latest updates for Horizon Zero Dawn that use NVIDIA DLSS to improve performance by up to 50%.
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Via Nvidia driver downloads