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NIS America Announces The Cruel King and Great Hero

NIS America Announces The Cruel King and Great Hero

NIS USA Is proud to announce their new game today Terrible king and great hero, Created by Sports Director Sayaka Oda The Lying Princess and the Blind Prince. Terrible king and great hero Released on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch February 2022 In a special physics edition called the “Storybook Edition”.

A young woman named Yu embarks on an adventure to become a better heroine. Next to her stands a terrible dragon, called the Terrible King, who guides and protects her during this journey. However, the truth about Dragon King’s past is about to reappear, threatening their peace of mind.

About the game :

“Tell me a story before you go to sleep!” The story of Papa! “

“Very good. Where do I start?”

“From the beginning! “

“You always have to start early. “

Once upon a time, a brave hero was confronted and won from his battle with a terrifying dragon known as the Terrible King. However, instead of giving it a final blow, he decided to cut off one of its horns and say, “You will have to atone for your sins!” “. In the days following the event, the hero was in the dragon’s bed when he recovered, and they soon became close friends.

One day, many years later, the hero left his only daughter, Yu, an orphan and was seriously injured. On her deathbed, she told her good friend to raise her daughter so she could be a better heroine.

Since that day, the Terrible King has been watching Yu in many of his adventures, making him a great heroine. However, as the truth about the horrible King’s past slowly reappears, these silly moments will not last forever, which will lead both of us to face new trials …

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Properties :

  • Adventure comrades: No challenge is too great when you are with your mighty defender. Fight the monsters and travel in dangerous situations.
  • A Life Story Book: With a beautiful soundtrack, art movement from children’s storybooks and 2D scenes, this adventure is fun to play because it is beautiful to watch.
  • Heroic inventions: To open gifts in the game gallery such as charts and character portraits, collect hidden objects throughout the lands you visit.

Content of Storybook Version » :

Sports Terrible king and great hero On the PlayStation 4 or Nintendo Switch

– “The Adventures of the Great Hero” Artbook Hardcover

– Digital Soundtrack “Scores of Bravery”

– 15 cm ஹீரோ Great Hero »silk toy

– Collector’s box