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Nintendo Switch: Towards recording production when claiming for a new model - teller statement

Nintendo Switch: Towards recording production when claiming for a new model – teller statement

The Japanese manufacturer, which is due to register financial results again on May 6, has approached several component suppliers to expedite the manufacturing process despite a strong demand for electronics. At least that’s what direct sources would have reported to Nike, which speaks of an “extraordinary move” for a machine that has entered its fifth year of its life cycle, with more than 80 million already. Units sold since its inception. Operated by such a production rate, the switch may exceed 101 million watts sold in the short term.

Nikki goes even further by adding that Nintendo. “Introducing a new switch model capable of delivering better graphics“If he does not dare to specify a release date, the benchmark Business Daily has already announced a reduced and uniquely smaller model from the top of the switch light. However, it follows. Capable of 4K display in chopped mode … and possible Update Among consumers.

For the rest, Nicky Asia is content to point out the obvious, especially the big hits of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Monster Hunter Rice, which have already sold 6 million copies a month after their release.

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