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Nintendo, NBA and Bandai Namco Celebrate Anniversary - Nert 4.Life

Nintendo, NBA and Bandai Namco Celebrate Anniversary – Nert 4.Life

Back-man, One of the main video game icons and one of the first icons of video games, Turns 41 years old Celebrated today and by various companies Nintendo and NBA, In addition to Bandai Namco, through initiatives and news via social media.

Developed by Touru Ivatani and produced by Namco, the first back-man to be released precisely May 22, 1980 In Japanese arcades, the form of the arcade, which later became a real mass event and transformed into many domestic and minor forms, always enters the history of video games.

In the West it was initially released under a license by Midway Games, then returned to Namco Cornet and later internationally to Bandai Namco. Back-Man has undergone large-scale changes and official sequels over the years, as well as spin-off and related media productions.

Of these, we recall the latest Back-Man 99 for the Nintendo Switch in the Battle Royale version and the Back-Man 256 specified on consoles and mobile platforms, so we are invited to pay homage to the famous historical error that, in fact, determined that the decision prevents the game from continuing after this level, at level 256 .

The 41st anniversary was especially celebrated by the NBA Collaboration Officially, it brings 20 thematic levels to the mobile theme with teams and theme cards and power-ups that are part of the Best American Basketball League.

However, it is interesting to note the farewell message from Nintendo in the US and of course the message from Bandai Namco USA.

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