Mario fans in the UK, have fun! To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Mario this year, Nintendo UK is very special for all of you during the holidays.
November 16 to December 20 (35 days in total), Nintendo UK will offer free Super Mario themed prizes and gifts.
Regardless of what you like, Nintendo UK promises to have something for every Mario fan, and the prizes include: select Mario games (such as Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe), Lego sets, gaming accessories, toys and board games, and clothing and more Clothes. Although the exact details of all 35 prizes have not been released, I suspect it was intentional – and they will have stored up a mystery for fans to discover when they win.
This payment is part of what they call their Super Mario Brothers 35th Anniversary Gift Days.
To confirm that you are logged in, all you have to do is log in to the Gift Days website with your Nintendo account and agree to receive emails from the company. Then, return to the website each day and enter the day’s payments. That’s it! Also, as a bonus, if you already have an account or create one before the first day of November 16th and register on the gift days before it starts, you will automatically receive 2x entries on each daily gift map you enter. !
Make sure you all register And is ready to go before November 16th. Good luck!

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