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New video of the division between Ariane 5 and the James Web Space Telescope and other news

New video of the division between Ariane 5 and the James Web Space Telescope and other news

Even in these days of celebration, activities complete the configuration James Webb Space Telescope. Then Launched on December 25th, Thanks a Ariane 5 rocket From French Guiana, procedures for full opening are underway. Even if the first film comes out in six months they will last 29 days in total. Currently no problem is reported That e Arianespace They wanted to make one “Gift” To all fans.

When Streaming It was possible to see the separation phase between the upper level of the launchAriane5 And this JWST. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the live broadcast “Perfect” (Although exciting). The European Space Agency has recently released a complete and better quality version. A true tribute to the work.

Innovations of the James Webb Space Telescope and the opening of the solar shield

In the approximately three-minute video recorded by Réaltra Space’s cameras, you can see the split. Space telescope From the top position of the rocket. Towards the middle of the film, the hole Solar panel It also helps power up on-board systems. RTG does not exist (as it does on recent US Rovers) and is the only source of power.

James Webb Space Telescope

In the video you can see some shiny particles, second That It must be snowing. This may be detached from the walls of the Ariane 5 or as a result of the combustion of the impulse (based on liquid hydrogen and oxygen).

The creator of the solar panel is an aspirant Soleero Technologies Has become a part of some time Rocket Laboratory, A company involved in launching satellites and the future of the human crew in space. But now The James Webb Space Telescope He is in one of the most complicated stages of the first part of the task: opening up the lower sunscreen.

Solar Shading: A New Challenge for JWST

Yesterday The Posterior lobe And the covering of the shield made it possible to protect the sheets that made it up. During these hours, however, the sheets were made Captain. Illustrated by Mark McCarrian This is a very delicate process.


The first layer facing the Sun and Earth is 0.05 mm thick, while the other four reach 0.025 mm. The Captain 100nm aluminum converts to reflective coatings, while the first two have an additional 50nm topped silicone layer (which is why they appear purple). The choice with more thin layers allows for better heat dissipation.

The first is something that actually does a lot “Work” In this sense. The purpose of the layers is to gradually scatter light and heat (infrared) so that they do not reach the sensors. So the first layer can pass through 110 C to the fifth -237 C. The layers are separated by a vacuum of space, which avoids the accumulation of heat. There are 140 actuators, 70 hinge assemblies, eight motors, 400 pulleys and 90 cables. The layers have small holes to manage these mechanisms, but they are never aligned to prevent heat and light from going directly from one side to the other.

NASA Space Telescope

Interestingly, the materials involved in construction James Webb Space Telescope They can withstand the impact of micro meteorites. For example, protective layers can be pierced but not torn. The main glass with beryllium sections also bears the impact as described Official FAQ, Despite the very light texture and thin gold casing (which in turn is covered by a layer of silicon oxide).

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