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Nintendo Switch : du nouveau pour les points platine avec la mise à jour 14.1.0

New to Platinum dots

Update 14.0.0 A few days after the Groups feature is used, the Nintendo Switch firmware is upgraded to 14.1.0.

You know the song. Manufacturers regularly update their consoles to improve the user experience. Sometimes it’s with big patches, sometimes it’s just that Updates Unimportant “they improve the stability of the system”. Then there is the occasional update like 14.1.0 Nintendo-Switch.

Nintendo Switch Update

The switch is updated to 14.1.0. Nintendo has released a new one Update Its hybrid console does not revolutionize the experience, but is capable of bringing new functions. We are going to make some disappointments from the beginning: it does not indicate the arrival of video streaming services. Many players are waiting to settle comfortably on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney + Switch, but that will not be the case for now.

The Nintendo Switch on your Nintendo Switch console will generate unclaimed Platinum Dots Notifications for completing online tasks.

Nintendo Switch online jobs and rewards are not available in some countries and regions.

Disabling this notification system will hide the notification sent when there are no unclaimed platinum points.

New Animal Crossing New Horizons Avatars

The update will mainly bring notification system for platinum points. This will allow you to alert yourself when the goal is reached. Obviously this new option can be disabled at will. To many it may seem like a story but it should impress the target profiles.

As a small bonus, players can spend their platinum points to get new items. Nintendo Switch comes out with the 14.1.0 update, new user iconsAnimal Crossing New HorizonsS and Splatoon 2 They are. They will disappear from May 1, 2022.

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