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NEET ss result 2020

NEET ss result 2020

Neat SS Result 2020: The National Board of Examinations (NBE) has announced the results of NEET SS 2020 on the official website- Apart from the result, NBE has also released the NEET SS cutoff.

Those who appear for the Neat SS exam on September 15 can check the result of 32 super specialties.

“Neat-SS 2020 was conducted on 15th September 2020 for admission in DM / MCH courses. 32 different questionnaires were used for different super specialty / clubbed groups as per the scheme mentioned in the information bulletin, ”the official notification reads.

From September 30, candidates can download their personal NEET SS scorecards from the NEET SS

Follow these steps to download Neat SS results 2020:

Visit the official website –

Click on the Neat SS Result link

The Neat SS result is displayed on the PDF file screen

Find your corresponding result

Download the result and print it out for future reference

Candidates placed in the Super Specialty / Clubbed Group of 50% or more as per the minimum eligibility criteria prescribed in the Information Bulletin are declared eligible.

Super specialty / clubbed group wise cut-off score at 50% is given under NEET-SS 2020is

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