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NASA's diligent rover operates the first automated flight around Mars

NASA’s diligent rover operates the first automated flight around Mars

  • NASA’s rover reaches first autonomous orbit on red planet.
  • Advanced Autonomous technology allows the rover to take his adventure into his own hands.
  • According to the agency, diligence “thinks while driving” when the wheels are spinning.
  • More stories can be found on the Business Insider page.

NASA’s endurance vehicle On his first autonomous journey with the newly upgraded automated navigation system, Autonav, Step Agency.

This technology allows diligence to control its bikes and drive across the Red Planet without relying too much on human drivers coming from Earth.

NASA SeaAutonov has more powerful functions than its predecessors, Curiosity. These include the ability to create 3D maps of the terrain in front of you, identify obstacles and plan routes around obstacles. This means tolerance can drive more straight roads and travel at higher speeds.

Vandi Verma, Chief Engineer, Hiking Planner and Driver NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California. “The rover thinks to itself when its wheels are spinning”.

The company said the diligence could reach speeds of up to 120 meters per hour. It is almost six times faster than Curiosity, which can reach 20 meters per hour.

Michael McHenry, director of motion and part of the travel planning team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said, “We went four or five times faster than the Autona. We go a lot farther in less time than Curiosity showed.”

Autonav will be a key feature to complete the six-wheeled robot Scientific propaganda At the bottom of the Jessero abyss. This includes scanning and digging up Martian soil for signs of ancient microbial life.

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“Instead of crossing this complex terrain we can now drive: we have never been able to do that before,” said Jennifer Trosper, project manager for Mars’ 2020 Perseverance Rover.

Autonov does not completely eliminate the need for human drivers, it only increases the rover’s autonomy.

Team members said they look forward to allowing Autonov to “take the wheel”. But they will also be willing to intervene if the situation calls for it.

Ultimately, by using techniques like this, NASA aims Take people to Mars and create a settlement there.