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More than 100 new games will be available at Stadia in 2021 (video)

More than 100 new games will be available at Stadia in 2021 (video)

Filippo Morgante

Stadia It is slow Crutch, But it is still needed Expand the range of games Available to its users. Own platform Google It moves precisely in this direction, as it was yesterday Announced There are programs available More than 100 new games in 2021, One of which will be together Sega brand pearls. The release of some of these games is already planned Next weeks, During the title Sega Coming to Stadia April 23.

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about that Judgment, Is one of the best Sega games of recent years. It is rumored that Spin-off of the Yakuza series, In which you can see Announcement video at the end of the article, Will lead to the titles of this series. As mentioned, the verdict will be released on April 23, 2021, but The other 5 games Google will come to the fore in front of him. Here is the list:

  • Sante: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition – February 23
  • Sante: Risky’s revenge director’s cut – February 23
  • It came from space and ate our brains – March 2
  • FIFA 21 – March 17
  • Case and the Wild Mask – March 26

In addition to the above, Google announced Names of other games They are on the way, but no official release dates yet. In these we can see Killer Queen Black, Street power football, Hellpoint, For Cry6 e Republic of the Riders. There should be many more topics Not yet revealed, We are curious to know what they are.

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Via: AndroidHeadlines