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More Fun Teaching: Part 2: Best Apps for Virtual Classrooms

More Fun Teaching: Part 2: Best Apps for Virtual Classrooms

Zoom in for education

Zoom is one of the best cloud video conferencing web applications you can use to share tables, give lessons, and interact with multiple students.

Awesome features like one-click content sharing and digital whiteboarding can enhance students’ contribution to distance learning.

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Edmoto builds the right foundation for communication between you and students during distance education.

Creating online teams for collaboration, delivering classroom items, creating quick questions, sharing digital tasks, analyzing student performance, interacting with parents and much more is easy.

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Flipkart is a free online application that allows students and teachers to record short online videos. Teachers can easily create accounts and then create “classrooms” within the accounts.

Similar to Google Classroom, students enter classrooms using a code. From there, teachers can create posts that students can respond to with short videos. The settings can be changed so that only teachers can see the answers or students can watch and act on each other’s videos.

Flipkart is a fantastic oral communication application that is easy to use. It can be effectively modified for any age or subject area. I know my own kids (grades 3 and 5) use it in their distance learning classes too and they loved it as much as my students did.

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Mathematics has always been a difficult subject for many students. Regardless of your age, math can be a challenging barrier for many learners.

Well those days are over now.

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Anyone can now easily learn to solve complex math problems using the utility called Photomet.

In many statistics, photometry is listed as one of the best learning applications for students.

The learning process in photometry is very simple. You photograph handwritten or printed questions. In the application you will learn how to solve these questions with step-by-step explanations and instructions.

Properties of the photometer:

  • Scan printed / handwritten issues
  • Many solution methods
  • Animation instructions
  • Interactive graphics
  • Scientific calculator
  • No internet required

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