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Minecraft Star Wars Download Pack includes Baby Yoda

Minecraft Star Wars Download Pack includes Baby Yoda

Microsoft-owned Minecraft brings Star Wars into the game – claiming to be its largest downloadable content mashup to date.

Available at Minecraft Market, This set includes characters and locations including Lucasfilm’s original Star Wars trilogy (Episode 4-6) and the Disney Plus TV series “The Montorion”, the ever-popular Baby Yoda.

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The content of “A New Hope,” “The Empire Strikes Back,” “Return of the Jedi,” and “The Montorion” in the DLC for the popular open-world game are spread across 12 different planetary dioramas. The pack includes a map, a leather package, a complete Bespoke system package, reskins of gangs and items, UI treatment – and a licensed soundtrack.

The 12 Star Wars planetary dioramas attached to Minecraft by the “Hyperspace” voyage include Tatooin, Endor and Hoth (the main planetary systems of the original trilogy) and Nevro and Sorgon in “The Montalorian”.

There are 36 Star Wars character skins for Minecraft, including Baby Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Princess Lea, Obi-Wan Canopy, Sevpoka, C-3 PO, RT-D2, Zappa The Hut and more. The DLC also features fast, pilot vehicles such as the X-Wings and Razor Crest (from “The Mandalorian”).

Microsoft bought Minecraft in 2014 for $ 2.5 billion and largely left it as an autonomous division.

Watch the Star Wars promotional video on “Minecraft”:

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