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Microsoft tried to buy back Nintendo in 2000

Microsoft buys Nintendo 2000

In the late 1990s, Microsoft He decided to become a major player in the world of video games. First Xbox Launched in 2001, the brand has since enjoyed undeniable success, especially in English-speaking areas. But all of this could have happened very differently: in fact, Microsoft We first approached to get back some video game players Bob McBreen (Responsible for business development) And Kevin Fawcett (Former Director of Third Party Publisher Relations) In An article Bloomberg. In their opinion, the American giant is involved Nintendo Find out if purchasing is possible. An uncomfortable first contact, as the Kyoto manufacturer simply smiled, looks like:

Bob McBreen : EA was the first company we contacted for acquisition. They said “no thanks” to us, so we switched to Nintendo.

Kevin Fawcett : Steve [Ballmer, ancien PDG de Microsoft] They took us to Nintendo to see if they thought they could be redeemed. They burst out laughing. Imagine an hour when someone looks at you and laughs. This is how the meeting went.

The goal Microsoft Was even Xbox Games can take hardware to run Nintendo, The American company is considering Game Cube Much worse than that PlayStation 2 (The Nintendo console is much more powerful and, above all, easier to program than Sony)

Bob McBreen : We tried to get Nintendo to come to an agreement in a joint venture with our headquarters in January 2000, during this meeting we provided them with all the technical details of the Xbox. Our argument is that their hardware is absorbed and compared to the PlayStation, that is. So our idea is, “Look, Mario and all in all you are so much better at games than us. Why shouldn’t we take care of the hardware? “But it didn’t work.

Steve Palmer : I remember liking their games.

Fortunately, for the players, no agreement was reached, both sides were able to give us a completely different perspective on the video game, individually, while working together from time to time. Microsoft A “Free“To the players Click Two chaptersOr.

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