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Mega update on WhatsApp: Users can expect three new functions

Mega update on WhatsApp: Users can expect three new functions

German Press Institute (dpa)

11/12/2021, 7:01 am | From

Created with agency material

Resizing WhatsApp Font Size: Here's how

WhatsApp users can expect three new functions. As a result, Messenger, along with the desktop version of the app, continues to rank among others.

if(frame === { break; }

frame = frame.parent; }

/** * Set up a __tcfapi proxy method to do the postMessage and map the callback. * From the caller's perspective, this function behaves identically to the * CMP API's __tcfapi call */

window.__tcfapi = function(cmd, version, callback, arg) { if (!cmpFrame) { callback({msg: 'CMP not found'}, false); } else { const callId = Math.random() + ''; const msg = { __tcfapiCall: { command: cmd, parameter: arg, version: version, callId: callId, }, };

cmpCallbacks[callId] = callback; cmpFrame.postMessage(msg, '*'); } };

function postMessageHandler(event) { let json = {};

try { json = typeof === 'string' ? JSON.parse( :; } catch (ignore) {}

const payload = json.__tcfapiReturn;

if (payload) { if (typeof cmpCallbacks[payload.callId] === 'function') { cmpCallbacks[payload.callId](payload.returnValue, payload.success); cmpCallbacks[payload.callId] = null; } } }

window.addEventListener('message', postMessageHandler, false); }()); }

function consentSpecificVendor(vendorId) { window.__tcfapi('postCustomConsent', 2, (data) => { if (data) { location.reload(); } }, [vendorId], [], []); }

function acceptFacebookConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5f1b2fbdb8e05c3057240f56'); }

function acceptInstagramConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5e7e5243b8e05c1c467daa57'); }

function acceptTwitterConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5e71760b69966540e4554f01'); }

function acceptYoutubeConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5e7ac3fae30e7d1bc1ebf5e8'); }

function acceptTrackdelightConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5e77acddd8d48d795087425b'); }

function acceptTikTokConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5e7f6927b8e05c4e491e7380'); }

function acceptTwitchConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5ec462c02330505ab89fbb3b'); }

function acceptVimeoConsentVendor() { consentSpecificVendor('5eac148d4bfee33e7280d13b'); }

window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, function(tcData) { if (tcData.eventStatus === 'tcloaded' || tcData.eventStatus === 'useractioncomplete') { window.__tcfapi('getCustomVendorConsents', 2, function(vendorConsents, success) {

let vendorConsented = false; vendorConsents.consentedVendors.forEach(vendor => { if (vendor && vendor._id === '5e71760b69966540e4554f01') { vendorConsented = true; } });

if (success && vendorConsented) { const rootElement = document.getElementById('chip-widgets-twitter-618e8abdf39cb'); const thirdPartyScripts = { twitter: '', facebook: '', trackdelight: '', instagram: '//', tikTok: '', };

for (let i=0; i < rootElement.childNodes.length; i++) { // nodeType 8 is HTML Comment if (rootElement.childNodes[i].nodeType == 8) { rootElement.innerHTML = rootElement.childNodes[i].data.trim(); if (thirdPartyScripts.hasOwnProperty('twitter')) { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = thirdPartyScripts['twitter']; script.async = true; script.defer = true; rootElement.appendChild(script); } } } } }); window.__tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, function(success) {}, tcData.listenerId); } });

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