11/12/2021, 7:01 am | From Editors CHIP / DPA
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WhatsApp users can expect three new functions. As a result, Messenger, along with the desktop version of the app, continues to rank among others.
If you use WhatsApp on your computer in your browser, you may have missed the option to edit known images from smartphones. In this case, the meta subsidiary is currently making improvements and introducing a desktop photo editor.
With this, photos cannot be sculpted or rotated. According to the information, users can also add text or stickers to their photos.
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WhatsApp Update: More new stickers and link previews
Key Stickers: Whatsapp is another novelty in smartphones. Emoji are no longer recommended, but context-appropriate stickers will be displayed as you type specific words in search of relevant news accessories.
The third and last announced change affects mobile devices as well: in the future, if you have a link, previews of websites, videos or photos, such as smartphones, will be in the form of thumbnails – so you know what you are following. URL tipper expected. Users already know the preview of the link from the rival Messenger signal.
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