NASA diligently filmed the first landing on Mars, and did so with several cameras. Four days after the successful landing on the Red Planet, the US space agency released the footage. The edited videos first show a view and the opening of the breaking parachute. Just then the camera facing down on the brake step shows the removed heat shield and, for several dozen seconds, the view below and the approaching Martian soil. You can then see how the rover is lowered and touches the ground hanging on the ropes. Finally, the breaking step was also recorded.
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(Quell: NASA / JBL-Caltech)
Lots to find
Dave Krul, the engineer in charge of video cameras, promised Monday that staff at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory could not stop watching video recordings over the weekend. Wonderful details can be found every second, for example, the vast forces operating on a parachute, some of the rover’s air maneuvers looking for a landing site, or brake rockets that do not produce visible flame. At the same time, the pictures show how exactly the landing went. An installed microphone not only recorded noises that could be used when landing, but it also recorded on the ground. They were the first real sound recordings to come from Mars.
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Wind noise from Mars (rover noise filtered)
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Wind noise from Mars (unprocessed)
(Quell: NASA / JBL-Caltech)
In total, NASA has already received 30 gigabytes of data from diligence, which includes 22,000 images – mostly as part of images. But now more and more photos are coming from the ground, not just from Huskams with their relatively low resolution. The mastcams on the rover photographed the surroundings and the images show significantly more detail than the previously released images. Engineers explain that it has not yet been recorded with full clarity. Navcoms in charge of navigation directed the initial panorama film. According to the researchers, the photographs were enough to gather initial information about the Xero gorge, in which diligence landed.
The first panorama of perseverance
(Built by: NASA / JBL-Caltech)
Perseverance landed on Mars last Thursday as soon as it landed on Red. Although the landing was a challenge for the engineers rather than the pioneer Curiosity, it worked flawlessly. First the braking parachute reduced the enormous speed of the vehicle, and then the braking rockets of the descent phase reduced the rover to walking speed and deposited it at a point arbitrarily selected by the rover. It is located in the Jessero Valley, where there was once a pool of water.
(Image: NASA / JBL-Caltech / Highs Online)
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