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Lombard Democrats also oust Mayor Brillow

LONGOBOKO – Democrat Democrat Mayor Giovanni Brillow is being discharged, making it harder for him to deal with the current political crisis in the Greek capital, Chilaw. Without appeal, is the mayor of the Democrats’ rejection and Pd expression against what really existed. Approved by a document as a result of the last coordination meeting held on November 9th. “We call on the member to resign and consider the end of the council,” he said.

However, in reality, some lines acknowledge the political defeat of the Brillo regime in the eyes of the Democrats. “We believe that the PD’s consolidation – the Lombard consolidation document we are still reading about – the events of recent days (the revolt of the three majority councilors, the motion of no confidence put forward by the Opposition and the subsequent resignation. Mayor, ed.), Their appeal, the epilogue and a political value. Rather than representing the consequences of an unsustainable administrative situation characterized by personal references ”.

And in saying this, the Lombard Democrats have not failed to counter the blow against Brillow, who in fact is only responsible for the events. “This club – they point out – was never involved or interested in the events that led to the mayor’s resignation or the activities of the municipal administration.”

The local Democrats’ action, therefore, reaffirms its opposition to the mayor’s action, reiterating the negative perception of how he managed the preparation stage for his resignation, and “how it was handled in general” as it had already done on other occasions. The executive function, especially in recent years, has been to “call for the mayor to resign” and the council to end.

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