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Limited Run Games: Scott Pilgrim Most Popular with Switch Owners - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Complete Edition of The Game

Limited Run Games: Scott Pilgrim Most Popular with Switch Owners – Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Complete Edition of The Game

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Last week, Ubisoft’s Scott Pilgrim brought out the complete version of Modern Game Again: The Game. The French publisher took over the digital release of Remaster, but the company was responsible for providing the physical versions Limited run games Responsibility.

The company is making three special physics versions available for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch players, and according to the Managing Director of Limited Run Games, Douglas Bogart, Scott’s return was especially welcomed by the switch owners: “We sold 25,000 copies of Scott Pilgrim in three hours in Switch! Thanks for helping us publish our biggest release!”

This number does not have to be small, but it is manageable compared to the dimensions we report. However, you should note that we do not have the number of copies of Physics PS4 sold, or we do not know the digital sales data. It is also noteworthy that we are talking about a very short period of time. Limited Run Games plans to make physical copies of the game available for the Xbox One. Don’t forget, Our review Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – The Complete Edition, if you have not already.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Complete Edition of The Game

They are: Siliconora.

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