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Leisure Suite Lorry: Wet dreams come twice to the Nintendo Switch

Leisure Suite Lorry: Wet dreams come twice to the Nintendo Switch

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Assembled Entertainment & Crazy Punch, Leisure Suite Lorry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice has announced that it will soon be seeing release on the Nintendo Switch.

Point-and-click adventure, where iconic women find Larry Laughter looking for his lost love.

You will have the opportunity to explore its mysterious and wonderful islands, meet more than 40 new and old comrades from wet dreams and do not dry up while helping the truck to solve difficult puzzles and quests.

Hey ladies, it’s time to get back to Lorry-City! This may come as a surprise to some, but I’m still going strong! That’s right, I’m a true tolerant stallion! I left the new lost wages, got stuck in the canyon, and was ready to marry my only truly loving faith. But unexpected events disturbed us and we broke up again! She’s somewhere in the famous, sunny and huge art island, I need to find her. Help me! If I don’t find her soon, I think I might explode!

No obstacle will keep me away from my faith in my beloved, not even the wild and unnamed islands of art. Those beautiful island women can only distract me as long as the compass of my heart points in only one direction – hope! Will you travel with me as a real robber and cut real gold? Join my team on this glorious quest – you may be soaked to the bone!

Leisure Suite Lorry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice Retail and Nintendo Eshop for Nintendo Switch will be released worldwide in the spring of 2021.

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Alex Seedhouse

Alex Seedhouse

After starting with a copy of A Yellow Game Boy and Donkey Kong Land, Alex once hid in his room to play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time One Christmas. Now he shares his thoughts on Nintendo Insider and keeps track of everything to do with Nintendo.