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Legend of Heroes: Hajimari, Zero, Oo and Nauta are all confirmed in English

Legend of Heroes: Hajimari, Zero, Oo and Nauta are all confirmed in English

Update | This morning’s Falcom event confirmed all the information that the epic game store revealed yesterday, now that games are available on Steam and as well. On the console page, four titles will be released as expected on the PS4 and Switch. For its part, there is the Geofriend team Confident His translations (in English) Tracks from zero And Paths to the Assyrians Used as the basis for games sold by NIS USA. In addition to the excellent identity of the recognition, the effect of this business federation is that Geofriend has withdrawn its free translations from its site.

Simply put, four games from The Legend of Heroes Saga are now guaranteed to join the ranks of localized titles in NIS America, with releases set to be released in 2022 and specifically in 2023. The deal is to prevent these titles from being released on Steam at the same time, though there is nothing to worry about with the consoles (at least Falcom is developing its games on the PS4 and NIS America is all a switch to carry).

As it turns out right now, patience and length of time will be keywords for fans of Balkam Saga. Because the first game to appear will not be released until the fall of 2022. about this Myth of Heroes: Tracks from Zero, A remaster of the BSP game released by Balcom on PS4 in Japan last year. This is the first part of the Crossbell duo, so it will be logically followed Myth of Heroes: Tracks to the Assyria In 2023. Both of these topics revolve around Lloyd Panings and his friends in the Special Support section, which Western players will eventually discover first. Tracks of cold steel 3.

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Many fans will be delighted to find the Crossbell duo on modern platforms, and those waiting for anything else will be a little shocked to find that they will have to wait for a wave before 2023 touches. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in Reverie, The official English title of Hajimari no Kiseki (published in Japan on August 27, 2020). The pre-launch part of the brand new bow, formed by Cro No Kiseki (released in September in Japan), revolves around Ryan Schwartz, Lloyd Panings and the mysterious “C” while allowing the player to pass freely from one path to another.

Finally, another old option of the PSP era will be fulfilled with the announcement The Myth of Nauta: Infinite Tracks. Launched in 2010 on a Sony laptop, the Action-RPG is released today in Japan in PS4 remaster format. So this version will be found in 2023 not only on our consoles but also on the computer.