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Kovid, Marra: "Maceda unleashes bad politics of fulfilling its responsibilities on No Vox"

Kovid, Marra: “Maceda unleashes bad politics of fulfilling its responsibilities on No Vox”

Reggio Calabria, Marra (MAP): “Thanks to Dr. Maceda of GOM for his commitment against Govt-19”

“I agree word for word Dr. Sebastiano Maceda said a few days ago The head of GOM’s intensive care unit at Reggio Calabria met in person at the intensive care unit a few years ago in the wake of a bad family experience. ” The head of the MAP and Platì Municipal Councilor, Dr. Pietro Marra.

“Everything Dr. Maceda said reflects my thinking and does not qualify for the results of these vaccines, and after two years we have done nothing political because we are worse off than ever before. Evidence cannot be denied, there is more fear than previous visits, and this can also be seen from the storm-affected vaccination centers, because even the second dose is not only contagious to one person, but can end up in the hospital until it is now understood. Duties for those over the age of 50, too, should have been done before this, if necessary, not at this peak moment, because the results are visible in the long run.

“Scientific studies” do nothing to accuse Omigran of being too mild and not always “no-vaccine” even for those who have not been vaccinated; Can not work.After two years, this personal shortage situation, which has been condemned for many years, cannot be accepted. All of this is causing outrage. Respect. Situation at GOM “.

“The revolt between vaccinated and non-vaccinated citizens is upon us. He asserts that fools who do not want to lay down must be arrested, or worse, leaflets issued in Luke against No-Vox urging them to use the same gas used in Nazi concentration camps. Jews. Epidemics and health emergencies cannot be dealt with by vaccination duties, fines or the suspension of doctors, nurses and police forces because doing so feeds hatred and discrimination against a section of the population.

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