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KB5003397 [Manueller Download] Windows 10 21364.1000 is available as an update

KB5003397 [Manueller Download] Windows 10 21364.1000 is available as an update

Microsoft has surprisingly released an update to Dev-Insider. Increases version number KB5003397 to 21364.1000. But this is not yet a co_release and a rs_prerelease, as usual * .1000.

Often, this is just a test of the update process. Due to * .1000, one can guess that Microsoft will now launch the new Windows 10 223xx simulated with it. Because with 223xx it will soon continue with the molecule of Windows 10 22H1. Then back to rs_prelease.

Everything about Windows 10 21364 and its modifications can be found in this post. Socialist Party: The update of the .NET framework still fails. Microsoft has not changed anything yet.

Manual download of KB5003401 as SSB

Manual download of KB5003397

Windows 10 tutorials and help

You can find a lot of tips and tricks on our Windows 10 wiki. If you have any questions, just ask us Forum.

  • Installations: Current installation files can always be found in the sidebar on the right. Windows 10 2004 ISO (19041), or 20H2 (2009) ISO (19042), Windows 10 21H1 (19043) ISO
  • Installation: Install Windows 10 and reinstall Windows 10 2004 / 20H2 / 21H1
  • Current issues with: Windows 10 2004 / 20H2 / 21H1
  • Repair: Update Win 10 via Update Repair, DISM, SFC and Others, Windows Update, Start Menu, Fix Applications, Repair, Repair
  • Registration: 10 Automatic Login Well
  • Remove, uninstallUninstall applications:
  • File Explorer: Remove folder under this PC, Network, OnDrive, etc. in Explorer
  • Proper use: Use the Start menu correctly, use Search properly,
  • Important: Each tutorial states which version is suitable.
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