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JustGetMyData is a site that helps you get a copy of your personal data

JustGetMyData is a site that helps you get a copy of your personal data

JustGetMyData makes it easy to retrieve a copy of personal data stored by major online sites about us. A great way to find out what’s in them.

What exactly is the personal information of Facebook, Google, Twitter and others? How to download copy if available? These are offers that you know and will help you do JustGetMyData, A service derived from JustDeleteMe, which allows you to delete your accounts (and personal data) on major online sites.

This is because if two clicks are enough to register on Amazon, and three defective products are allowed to be returned, deleting your account cleanly and permanently on the online sales site is more complicated, for example, and it will not succeed. Users are willing to invest in a process that is costly in time and energy.

Color code to separate good and bad students

As indicated Our American colleagues from, Retrieving a copy of your personal data can sometimes be complicated. This is where JustGetMyData comes in. It is a good idea to download a copy of your data beforehand, especially if you plan to delete your account on one of these sites.

How does it work? JustGetMyData first categorizes sites and services according to the difficulty in retrieving their data: when green is easy (Apple, Discord, eBay, Google, Telegram, Tinder or Facebook), yellow is low (Amazon, Booking, Instagram, Netflix, BornHub, and so on) When red is almost impossible (Adobe, Alibaba, Microsoft or Twitch).

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Second, the site points directly to the page where you can begin the process of retrieving a copy of your data and to the page with the information that you are allowed to navigate. In total, 37 sites and services are listed, and only one will allow you to retrieve a copy of its data: Wikipedia. Microsoft is one of the worst students because not only is it very difficult to recover a copy of personal data stored by the publisher about its users, but not all the data it holds can be recovered.

Keep in mind, however, that since its implementation in GDP in Europe, online sites have to provide a solution for their users to access their personal data.