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Isolations, record growth of 10,344 people from Bergamo

Isolations, record growth of 10,344 people from Bergamo

Updated until March 3, according to information released by Pergamo AIDS on Wednesday, March 4, the number of people currently infected with the virus in the entire province has risen to 3,818, which is contagious, so it is compulsorily isolated: it has already passed the November peak and there is a feeling that the race will continue until mid-March. The chain of infections has grown rapidly: in the last seven days, the number of infected people has increased by 1,037 compared to 2,781 on February 24, which translates to + 37.3% in seven days. One week earlier, that is, according to the photo on February 17, the number of Bergamo people fighting the epidemic was 2,156, and on February 10 it was 1,471: that is, in three weeks – precisely since February 10 – the Bergamo area has increased by 160%. Back then, before this eruption, there was considerable stability for a month at 1,300-1,400 “active” positives, the result of a decline after the autumn tide. But precisely even at the peak of those epidemics the values ​​were lower than today’s values, as the previous maximum value is seen as 3,700 positive as of November 20, putting the various ADS reports in a row.

The most recent development is still marked when looking at those in reliable isolation, i.e., not because those who have to stay at home are positive, but rather because they are in contact with a person who has tested positive in Dumbing.

: On Tuesday, the share of Bergamo population in reliable isolation rose to 6,526, a 50% correct increase compared to the previous week’s 4,327; In absolute value, 2,199 Bergamo people isolated in the last seven days. If you compare here for more than three weeks, that is, with 2,947 reliable isolations as of February 10, the jump is 120%. The rise of people in reliable isolation clearly indicates what is happening in Bergamo schools, with 119 classes ending in isolation during the week of February 21-28. The increase in population in reliable isolation, from a public health perspective, is positive: it means monitoring. So, as of March 3, people are in compulsory or reliable isolation from Pergamon, so the number of positives and correlations in the case has reached 10,344, which is a record.

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