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Is there a possible date for the presentation on E3 2021? –

Elton Ring Can be a protagonist Presentation on E3 2021 It may even have leaked on the internet The so-called “global expression” date Although the question of the game should be taken with a thousand pliers, it presents various aspects that are at least dubious to say the least.

The image shown in the tweet below appeared in the last few minutes and talks about the official presentation of the Elton Ring Gallery June 14, 2021Therefore, in the middle of E3 2021 this year will take place precisely from June 12 to 15. Over there Balance A definite probability of Elton Ring is, in fact, also being considered in the official updated list of publishers for E3 2021. Bandai NamcoTherefore, its presentation should not be excluded.

But now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground Doubts Starting from the source of the information in question, which appears to be 4chan, it should already alert you to the veracity of the matter. Also, the date is highly questionable: the fact that only the Xbox logo is shown indicates a possible presentation Microsoft Conference In E3 2021, consider the software for the game in question and the possibility of a marketing agreement from Xbox.

However, it seems strange that this conference will be held on June 14, which should be the third day of E3 2021, historically it will always be inserted at the beginning of the exhibition. So there are elements that represent a dummy, but the idea of ​​Elton Ring’s presentation on E3 2021 is the opposite Opportunity, Also consider the popular trailer that leaked on the web some time ago.

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