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International police action neutralizes malware

International police action neutralizes malware

It almost feels like an action movie: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) took part this week in an international campaign to neutralize the named malware (malware). Emode.

The Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Team, in conjunction with RCMP technical operational experts, conducted the Canadian components of this complex cyber investigation. As part of the Cipher project, which began in March 2020, RCMP developed special techniques to capture the digital evidence necessary for all participants in the investigation.

Along with Europol and Eurojust, officials from the Netherlands, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Lithuania and Ukraine were also involved.

“Through their concerted efforts, the malware infrastructure could not be accessed by the police by attacking various servers. In total, there are 13 servers for command and control Emode Were located in Canada. At the same time, about 50 additional servers worldwide were blocked, ”the RCMP said in a statement.

Malware behind many cyber attacks

Emode Malware used by criminals to gain illegal access to the computer networks of individuals, businesses and government agencies. This malware is sent via email and is hidden in the link or download link.

Personal information

In both cases, prospective victims are invited to download and then activate malicious content, which allows criminals to keep their device unnoticed. Using this malware, cyber criminals can steal users’ personal information.

Emode More than 1.7 million computers are said to be affected in 226 countries, of which 6,000 are in Canada. This malware is responsible for 60% of cyber attacks worldwide, and it is the digital precursor to other malicious malware, one of the most serious digital threats today.

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Searching Inquiry Committees

“In Canada, cybercrime investigation teams deal with national and international technical crimes. It is essential to work with all organizations involved in cybercrime to share more expertise and promote the exchange of good practices. This cooperation enables us to better protect the interests of the people and to be proactive in the fight against cybercrime, ”the Royal Canadian Mounted Police continued.

Do you have information about the illegal activities of individuals or groups of individuals related to cyber crime? 1 800 771-5401 or contact your local police department at RCMP.


« Project Cipher and RCMP’s leadership role in this international process are the most convincing examples of its support for Canada’s cyber security strategy. The digital security of all Canadians, identifying and prosecuting cybercriminals is at the heart of RCMP’s efforts to combat cybercrime, ”said Michael Duhem, deputy commissioner of federal policing.