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Infection becomes a board game. | Download PDF | – Uniba

Covit-19 has become a board game. It was created by two friends, David Ferrari and Andrea Girardi. This is Goose’s classic game revised at a Govt key, with fines, red zones, self-certificates and vaccinations.

The story was told by

Duck games dedicated to the epidemic are distributed free of charge online to regulate the daily life of Italians during this period, and the DBCM.

It’s like a goosebumps game

“Print it out and enjoy getting yourself a pair of dice. Everything is there: from scooters to red zones, from self-certification to billionaires, from swaps to vaccines, ”Ferrari writes on Facebook.

Really everything is there. If the cops pinch the player without a mask, the penalty should go behind a square, but if the vaccine comes, they will advance by three. A positive co-worker for an isolated change, traveling without self-certification costs two steps behind the board.

Rules and Team Born in “Smart Working”: Working at a distance, the two creators found all the boxes and columns in the game. There are 103 squares and the winner is obviously in the “coveted-free” square, crossing the plague.

The game is free, but two authors have created one QR code Donations through: Proceeds will be donated to Civil Defense.

“I have deep respect for those who have been infected, those who have been infected with the virus, or those who have hospitalized family members for cov- ers – Ferrari explains -.

For the majority of people, Kovit is an event that brings sadness and closure, our game doesn’t want to reduce all of this, but it needs to be played a little bit. The idea comes from a series of color changes from yellow to red, which have almost transformed the map of Italy into a risk group.

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“The inspiration came from a table published during the Christmas holidays to illustrate the red, yellow and orange days. It was like a board game board. We were inspired.” The Govt game was born on the afternoon of January 6th.

There are also teachers in the game boxes: “We get credit in two boxes”, confirms the former mayor and now majority leader in the mayoralty in Galliat.

“I tried the game with my 10 and 12 year old boys, so we made the last few fixes before going public. We chose to make it possible to raise funds for the Civil Defense, one of the most vulnerable bodies in these epidemics.”


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