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Iliad 2020. Our New Year 2021 again

Iliad 2020. Our New Year 2021 again

Iliad New Year.  2020 News about Iliad

Elliott’s Extraordinary 2020 updated with posts on our blog. At we tell you about the Elliott universe and new phone brands from 2017 onwards. Iliad and, in our small way, to our site, this is the year of important decisions. For this reason we would like to update it with you The 5 most clicked 5 Iliad News here on by 2020, Combine these 12 months together quickly. Instead of wishing a happy New Year with the desire to give up 2020, instead, for the world, it was much harder, made up of really great trials.

But the most important thing: do not start 2021 without registering on the telegraph channel.

Top 5 Most Clicked Things on in 2020 …

Let’s start the ranking of the 5 most clicked people immediately …

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Big news at the end of 2020

Great success for our special dedicated to Elliott 5G. As the 5G Iliad officially launches at the end of the year, let’s start with the latest news. Special available here, Is one of the five most read topics in 2020 with answers to key questions about new technology

Iliad Flash 100 giga

In 2020, to be exact in September 2020, Iliad introduced a mega project from 100 Giga, for a limited time. Iliad Flash 100 Giga, the name of the offer expires in mid-October 2020, but apparently the speed and those lucky enough to implement it still enjoy it. Many hope he will return in 2021. The Our post announcing the new Elliott offer is one of the most clicked posts of 2020.

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Elliott’s Trudeau Code

Remember the initiative #TheTruthCode Issued by Iliad? In May, Elliott celebrated his birthday by launching an innovative and fun endeavor called “The Code of Truth”. A gift game in which you had to find a secret code every day. All of the original matches created by the phone company’s social channels. On our telegram channel The announcement post of this initiative is one of the most read in this 2020.

The story of Iliad

This is one of the contents created this year on The story of the Iliad installments we published on our website between the months of October and November. Until we analyze the bizarre story of founder Xavier Neil, we are told in four chapters, The Foundation in France and the Italian Landing of the Company. If you missed this series of our posts you can Click here to start an episode.

Iliad Project Change

Lots of news, lots of beautiful things and a little but absent: change of plan. This is often talked about, it is a theme that is always in the comments of our followers. The plan change is to come in 2021, but someone is shouting to switch from the old Elliott rate to the new. The Our post on project change is one of the five most clicked topics in 2020.

Now is the time to exchange congratulations for the great attention you have paid to during the most difficult year. Thank you all so much and if you have any suggestions for the 2021 season, feel free to write us in the comments. As always, we read everything.

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