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If found ... Enchanting on Nintendo Switch - GameSpue

If found … Enchanting on Nintendo Switch – GameSpue

I didn’t stop talking If available Since I first played.

When If available First released on iOS and PC in May, I loved it. Feet above the head. The art style, the story, the characters all come together. Although it was only a short title, it made a lasting impression.

Now available on the Nintendo Switch, I revisited the topic. I introduced myself back to the main character Casio, who struggled with her identity and found where she felt she fit. I re-entered the walls of an abandoned mansion in Western Ireland and found the comfort that Casio felt within those walls. Even the second (or third, or fourth) time, it is an incredible story of self-discovery and self-discovery. I really enjoyed listening to the music of the game and clearing the scenes from Casio’s notebook.

New and exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game are various new features. There are also new artwork, bonus chapters and even extra epilogues. There are also some access options that players can change, including touch screen controls. I highly recommend trying the touch screen because deleting some scenes in the game can be incredibly satisfying. These extra features add more depth to the story of the game and additional ways for players to insert themselves into the game.

If you are looking for a story about family, acceptance, isolation and more, you can stop If available. It ticks all the boxes. It’s beautiful, sad, memorable and everything in between.

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Get the game right now at the Nintendo Switch EShop for $ 9.99 / $ 12.99. If you would like to hear our full thoughts on the game, you can read our review here.