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ho. Mobile seriale SIM

I have. Mobile: New Renewed SIM Serial, Available With Negative Credit –

Virtual operator Ho. Cell phone Results Solution To Complicated Than Negative remaining debt This did not allow Sim to know the new ICCIT serial Will be automatically assigned to those involved in the theft of personal data.

This was confirmed by Howe on January 4, 2021. Cell phone (After it appeared on the web a few days ago) Illegal abduction by unknown gods SIM’s personal data and technical data (including ICCID serial) A section of its customers, Initially offered the operator the opportunity to change their SIM for free, One of the recommended remedies To prevent Any scams, Like this SIM Swap.

Continuing, As already stated in detail, at last Saturday 9 January 2021 I have. Mobile has provided information through SMS and communication on its website New attempt Implements a parallel, allowing customers concerned to bypass reseller queues for SIM modification Automatic reproduction of Sim’s ICCID serial, Without any intervention of the customer.

This way, I have. Mobile provided New 19-digit ICCID serial code for all customers who have been the subject of illegal activityThus removing any value from the original code printed and stored on the SIM.

To inform you of the new SIM serial, Especially if you want to claim portability for another operator, ho. Has made mobile available No. 3424072211, It is possible Send an SMS with “Serial” text I have it from your sim. Mobile involved.

To know all the news of the phone operators, it is possible Stay up to date on the mobile phone world by joining the Montomobile Web Telegram Channel for free.

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Mobile SIM

A first Common mobile number, This morning, until January 11, 2021, customers They do not have enough credit Use your offer on your SIM They could not send SMS to know the new ICCID serial, Thus preparation Recharge required Bring back positive debt.

However, it starts A few hours I have. Mobile has decided to allow sending with SMS textTV series”Al 3424072211 Even for those who do not have credit on the sim.

This way, especially for those who need to change operator, the SIM does not need to be recharged unnecessarily and the customer can operate the portability independently.

Following several reports from readers, On Sunday, January 10, 2021, the Montomobile Web posted a request on social media, So this seems to be accepted.

For more information, create a virtual operator Dedicated toll free number 421118, Is only valid if you contact him from the sim I have. Cell phone.

If one day the customer is with me. Mobile with new serial “Reconstructed“If he decides to change operator, he should Remember to provide the new ICCID for contact via SMS, So you do not have to provide the serial printed on the SIM to avoid the negative effects of portability.

I have.  Mobile Serial SIM

Also, with this change, Applications that allow you to read SIM serials, Such as application SIM serial portability Iliad, Will continue to communicate with the previous ICCID serial, no longer active and will be stored on the SIM.

The new ICCIT Serial Ho is delivered via SMS. Mobile really is “Virtual” This is because it does not override what is on the SIM, so it is not read by this type of application, so if the customer delivers the previous serial port without noticing this change, the portability will fail.

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Remember that I have. Mobile is a virtual operator You, Wholly owned by Vodafone Italy.

It should be noted that according to verified sources, many operators have already declared their sales power Ho. Cell phone, Invites retailers to be careful to check whether the customer has received from Howe. Use the new serial to send an SMS with communication and, if necessary, a portability request to learn the new ICCID.

It is possible to get a lot of news and useful advice, especially in the telephone world Subscribe to Telegram’s montomobile web channel for free.

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