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How to uninstall Flash Player on Windows and Macos?

How to uninstall Flash Player on Windows and Macos?

That’s all. Adobe Flash Plugin, the technology that revolutionized the web world by providing the ability to create dynamic web pages in the early 2000s, is officially dead. Adobe no longer officially supports this software, which underwent a final update in December, and recommended its removal. Plug-in download has disappeared permanently from all Adobe pages.

To facilitate its uninstallation, Adobe has set up alerts that are displayed directly on the screen of Windows and MacOS machines where the application is still installed. If this warning is displayed, or you see, take the opportunity to begin uninstalling the plugin immediately. You need to click the button Uninstall Follow the procedure indicated.

However, if this warning is not displayed, the plugin can be uninstalled manually. Here’s how:

1. Download the uninstall app

First, download the Flash Uninstall app on your computer. It is the official tool provided by Adobe to allow users to uninstall Flash Clean from their computer.

Uninstall and download Flash Player for Windows (Free)
Download Flash Player Uninstaller for MacOS (Free)

2. Run the Uninstall application

Once the Flash uninstaller is downloaded to your computer, run the file. In the window that appears, click the button Uninstall.

At the end of the uninstall process, the tool will tell you that you need to restart your computer to complete the operation.

Click the button Done Restart your computer. Your operating system now needs to clean this plugin with a thousand and one security holes.

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