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How to install iOS 15 in front of everyone

How to install iOS 15 in front of everyone

To download iOS 15 now, you need to have a developer account.

Announced this Monday, June 7, at WWDC 2021, iOS 15 promises to be packed with new features for iPhone users. Of these, we will see that there is a greatly improved FaceTime, but a more integrated iMessage application or a completely redesigned graphical application that will lead to this developed reality.

However. To get your hands on these many new features, you have to be patient. In fact, the official release of iOS 15 should not take place before September or October, while the first general beta version will not be released until July. However, some lucky ones were already able to get their hands on it as soon as it was announced on iOS 15: Developers.

You may not know this, but anyone with Apple can have a developer account. However, in the Apple world, you have nothing. So it is necessary to pay 99 € / year to get the chance to get your hands on the OS in front of everyone. Additionally, if you want to embark on an adventure, consider two things: Make a backup (iCloud or locally) before installing the beta and use the iPhone you no longer use. In fact, iOS 15 is still in development, and errors and serious issues may be on the rise. To do this, first check if the iPhone you want to use is supported by iOS 15.

Subscribe to the Apple Developer Program

If you are not cold by these three compulsions, you can embark on the adventure Beta testing To the developer. First, make sure you have an Apple account. Then head This address. You will find all the information related to the developer program (in English). After reading everything, if you like, click register In blue on the top right.

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In our case, we will enroll in the program as a person operating in the private sector. So don’t forget to read the paragraph below Registration as an individual, Make sure you have enabled two-factor authentication and click Start your record.

Sign in using your Apple ID (your email address) and the associated password. Check the authentication process to continue the membership process.

In the window that follows, Apple will tell you your developer ID and the amount you have to pay. If you want to enable automatic billing update, check the box at the bottom of the window and click Purchase.

Apple will ask you to log in again using your account before going to the billing page. After entering your payment data and verifying the transaction, you will receive a confirmation email. Then close the tab.

Then go on This page Related to the development plan for iOS. Then click Download Tamil Top right. You will be asked to reconnect your Apple account. Obviously, don’t forget to link what you paid for the subscription.

You can access the list of beta OS available for download. For example, we see iOS 14.7 and iOS 15, MacOS Montessori or TVOS 15. In this case, our preferred operating system is iOS 15. Then click Install profile Next to the iOS 15 beta. Your computer will automatically download the file containing the beta of iOS 15, it is called iOS_15_Beta_Profile.mobileconfig.

The rest will vary depending on whether you downloaded the profile from your iPhone or computer.

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Install iOS 15 Beta

If you downloaded iOS 15 from a computer, you need to transfer it to your iPhone of your choice: Mail, iCloud, etc. The file is not very large and can be converted without any problems. Once on your iPhone, find the file and tap it.

The file will be automatically added to the update profiles installed on your iPhone. Go to your iPhone settings. At the top of the window, you will see the button Profile uploaded. Press it after checking the compatibility of the profile (you must see Verified In green), press Install.

You will then be asked to enter the iPhone security code and then give your consent to install the beta. Then press Install In the upper right, confirm your choice and then restart your smartphone. When you wake up, don’t be surprised if your iPhone still runs iOS 14. In fact, iOS 15 needs to be installed.

To do this, there is nothing simple. Go to the iPhone Settings section General. Then press Software update. Your iPhone will do a short search and then give you the iOS 15 beta. Accept the installation by pressing Download and install.

After a relatively long download and installation process, you will have the opportunity to try your hand at iOS 15! Don’t worry if there are a few bugs, Apple is now working on fixing them.