Green Boss Italy, how to get and download it. The Covit-19 Green Certificate is automatically generated and available free of charge in the following cases: after the first dose or 15-day single-dose vaccination; Have completed vaccination studies; After taking an additional dose during the first vaccination course; A negative test for a molecular wipe within the last 72 hours or a rapid antigen within the previous 48 hours; Covit-19 should be cured within the previous six months.
Green Boss, how to get it
The COVID-19 green certificate for vaccination (first dose) is automatically generated by the National Platform-DGC after 12 days and is valid from the 15th day of vaccination until the second dose. After the second dose the certificate will be issued within 24/48 hours from the second administration and is valid for 12 months.
Since July 20, 2021, the National Platform-DGC has produced the Covit-19 Green Certificate for vaccinating patients and vaccinating them within one year, and therefore 90 days before and 180 days after the onset of the disease. Above. This is in line with the CTS’s indicators of 16 July 2021. Therefore, all patients with Govt disease and those who have been vaccinated within one year of the first positive molecular swab will receive a COVID-19 green certificate (dose 1 in 1) 12 months from the date of vaccination.
If you became infected with Covid-19 after administering the first dose of a two-dose vaccine, you will receive a Covit-19 Green Certificate if the Covit-19 infection occurred after the fourteenth day (1 in 1). Administration of the first dose of the vaccine (the date of the first positive molecular test is valid) and you already have the green pass to cure.
If you became infected with Covit-19 within fourteen days of receiving the first dose, completing the vaccination schedule with the second dose (date of the first positive molecular test) within six months (180 days) of infection. . Then you will get the completed cycle green pass (2/2) after taking the second dose.
On September 16, 2021, more than 56,000 patients were issued Covit-19 Green Certificates after the 14th day from the first dose of the vaccine and the Green Pass for Cure (even if it expired). From September 17, the release of the Green Pass vaccine dose 1 in 1 for patients 14 days after the first dose is in full swing.
Green Boss, how to download it
When the certificate is available, a message will be sent via SMS or email to the contact during the vaccination or test or when the recovery certificate has been issued; This message contains the Authentication Code (AUTHCODE) and shortcuts for certificate recovery.
The certificate can be obtained independently from different channels: Digital ID (Spid / Cie) or Health Card (or if you are with an identity document not registered with the National Health Service) at Retrieved by email or SMS Combined with personal code; Electronic health record; Coming Soon IO Processor With ‘Immune’ App.
If you do not have digital tools, you can retrieve the certificate in digital and paper version with the help of health card and an intermediary: General practitioner, free choice pediatrician, pharmacist.
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