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How to Download Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Hill Update Theme Beta (Snapshot): Step by Step Guide

As Mojang announced at the Minecraft Live event, Minecraft is set to receive a major update in mid-2021. The update focuses on adding a new gang and multiple additions to key areas of the game, which will add a ton of genre and excitement to the game.

No exact date has been announced for the upcoming Caves and Cliffs update on Minecraft. However, Mojang has released a snapshot for the Java version of the game, while the Petrock version gets a caves and cliffs-themed beta.

Snapshots basically test versions of published Minecraft so that we can gather feedback on upcoming updates for the game and fix any issues that may arise prior to the start.

Downloading a Snapshot in Minecraft: The Java version is very straightforward and should not take much time.

How to Download Snapshots in Minecraft: Java Version

To install the latest Minecraft snapshot, follow these steps:

1. Open Minecraft Launcher.

2. Select the “Installations” tab.

3. Change “Enable snapshots”.

It will download and install the latest Minecraft snapshot available. Players can continue to provide live feedback by trying out the game. This is done so that the player can enjoy new content, which will provide feedback to Devs based on any issues players may encounter during the game.

Introducing the comprehensive character updates of Minecraft makes it a very tricky game because many systems rely on each other to work together and provide the player a seamless experience.

Every small change in the game meta can lead to big consequences that are not easily expected in the beginning. Therefore, snapshots and beta versions of Minecraft are essential for improving the gaming experience and creating updates seamlessly.

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Also read: List of features included in Minecraft: Caves and Cliffs-themed snapshot

Posted on 08 November 2020 12:45 pm